Bioethics and Regulatory Workshops: Shaping the Future of Climate Research

MICROBES-4-CLIMATE hosted the Bioethics and Regulatory Workshops in Vienna, Austria, from 25-27 November 2024. The meeting was attended by key stakeholders from EU projects, Culture collections, Biobanks and Universities.

The first part of the workshop covered ethical aspects and included Impulse talks from Lene Lange (LL-Bioeconomy) who spoke about bioeconomy and impacting ethical considerations and Stephanie Laurel Schnorr (University of Vienna) who gave a perspective considering the human microbiome. This was followed by discussion sessions led by Tanja Kostic (AIT) which considered the current ethical practices in research projects, biobanks and culture collections, followed by a gap analysis. The final part of the first session then began to consider how to address the gaps identified and to involved stakeholders. The second part of the workshop considered the legal and regulatory landscape and how it impacts culture collections, biobanks and the potential for microbial interventions to mitigate climate change. Impulse speakers included Amber Sholtz (DSMZ) who summarised the recent impacts of the COP decision on Digital Sequence Information, Djamila Djeddour (CABI) gave a real use case example of how an international organisation negotiates the regulatory landscape ensuring compliance, Anthony Kermode (CABI) spoke on best practice and Ursula Hunger (Austrian Patent Office). Cornelia Stumptner (BBMRI MUG) also provided a helpful summary of progress with developing standards for microbiome biobanking, made through the sister EU Microbe Project.

Célia Soares (University of Minho) and Matthew Ryan (CABI) then led two sessions on 1) Best Practice, Biosecurity and Patents, and 2) Nagoya, ABS Challenges and Environmental regulation respectively. As with the ethical section of the workshop, notable gaps were identified and discussion had on how we might fill them.

The WP6 Task leaders and Workshop facilitators are now reviewing the outputs of the workshop, with key outputs to be disseminated to the wider project and scientific / stakeholder community during the first part of 2025.

Useful links:

Find the Workshop Agenda here.

MICROBES-4-CLIMATE participated at the AgroServ Workshop in Italy

On October 3rd, Professor Nelson Lima from Micoteca da Universidade do Minho – MUM had the honor to present the MICROBES-4-CLIMATE initiative during the Working Session 3, focused on “Enhancing the role of RI in Agroecological Transition”, where the critical role of microbes was highlighted as they are extreme relevant at promoting sustainable agricultural practices and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

Professor Nelson Lima presented the Microbes 4 Climate EU Project at the ‘Workshop – Research infrastructures (RIs) towards Agroecological transition: How to boost our impact by working together?’ held in CIHEAM Bari, Italy from October 2nd to 3rd, 2024.

 This event, promoted by the AgroServ EU-funded project, emphasized the importance of collaboration among Ris in advancing the agroecological transition, driving for innovation at agroecological practices, and at addressing the global environmental challenges.

MICROBES-4-CLIMATE celebrates International Microorganism Day

MICROBES-4-CLIMATE celebrates International Microorganism Day

It all began with a curiosity-driven Dutch merchant who had no formal education in science. On September 17th, 1683, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek sent a letter address to the Royal Society of London, describing his observations of single-celled organisms. His insatiable curiosity and remarkable craftsmanship in building microscopes enabled the first-ever observation of bacteria.

The world was never the same, since.

Since 2017, September 17th has been marked as International Microorganism Day, honoring this momentous occasion in science. At MICROBES-4-CLIMATE, we recognize the crucial role microorganisms play in mitigating climate change, especially within the agro-food sector. Microorganisms have the potential to improve soil health, enhance sustainable agriculture, and even capture and store carbon. By integrating microbial solutions, we can foster more resilient ecosystems and adapt to the challenges of a changing climate.

Stay tuned and join us in our mission to foster Climate resilience, nurture sustainability and strive for an ever-healthier planet and humanity!

#Microbes4Climate #M4C #M4CHorizoneurope #ResearchInfrastructure #HEU #STI #INFRASERV #ClimateAction #ResearchforClimate #ResearchInnovation

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MICROBES-4-CLIMATE, for what, by whom, and where? – Newsletter #1, out now.

MICROBES-4-CLIMATE, for what, by whom, and where? - Newsletter #1 Has Arrived!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the very first edition of our MICROBES-4-CLIMATE Newsletter, titled “MICROBES-4-CLIMATE, for what, by whom, and where?” This newsletter showcases some of the activities promoted by the project in its first 6 months. What You’ll Find in This Edition:

What is TransNational Access?

  • Understand M4C main offering and how this crucial framework will enable researchers across borders to collaborate and access state-of-the-art facilities and resources

M4C at the mICROPe Conference:

  • Get an insider’s view of MICROBES-4-CLIMATE’s participation in this major event, where leading scientists and innovators gathered to discuss the role of microbes in sustainable agriculture and environmental protection.


  • Take a sneak peek into MICROBES-4-CLIMATE participation at EXPOBIOTEC’24. Learn about how M4C is showcasing the pivotal role of microbial technologies in biotechnological advancements.

Bioethics and Regulatory Workshop:

  • Understand the critical discussions around bioethics and regulatory issues that are shaping the future of microbial research, in our upcoming Worship.

Why Subscribe?

By subscribing to the MICROBES-4-CLIMATE Newsletter, you’ll stay at the forefront of the latest developments in microbial research, climate action, and sustainability initiatives. Each edition, available at every 6 months, will bring you exclusive insights, upcoming event details, and opportunities to engage with a community dedicated to making a tangible difference in the fight against climate change.

Access the 1st Edition

Stay tuned and join us in our mission to foster Climate resilience, nurture sustainability and strive for an ever-healthier planet and humanity!

#Microbes4Climate #M4C #M4CHorizoneurope #ResearchInfrastructure #HEU #STI #INFRASERV #ClimateAction #ResearchforClimate #ResearchInnovation

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MICROBES-4-CLIMATE at miCROPe Conference


Cintia Mayr from the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) presented Microbes-4-Climate (M4C) at the prestigious miCROPe 2024 conference. This event, dedicated to exploring the role of microbes in crop production, took place from July 15th to 18th, 2024, in the historic Apothekertrakt of Schönbrunn Castle, Vienna.

Cintia introduced the project at the “Microbe-assisted Crop Production – Opportunities, Challenges, and Needs,” session  and discussed with leading experts the critical role of soil and plant microbiomes in agro-systems, including nutrient delivery, plant fitness, stress tolerance, and pathogen or pest control.

Stay tuned and join us in our mission to foster Climate resilience, nurture sustainability and strive for an ever-healthier planet and humanity!

#Microbes4Climate #M4C #M4CHorizoneurope #ResearchInfrastructure #HEU #STI #INFRASERV #ClimateAction #ResearchforClimate #ResearchInnovation

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Job Vacancy: Join our team at MICROBES-4-CLIMATE

Join our Team:Research Fellowship in Biological Engineering (CEB-BI-28-2024)

MICROBES-4-CLIMATE opened a vacancy for a Research Fellowship at the Center of Biological Engineering (CEB) at University of Minho. We are looking for driven individuals ready to contribute to cutting-edge research in the field of biological engineering, particularly focusing on sustainable solutions for climate change.

Position Details:
Research Fellowship – Biological Engineering
Reference: CEB-BI-28-2024
Institution: Center of Biological Engineering (CEB) of University of Minho
Location: Braga, Portugal
Duration: 6 months (can be renewed up to 4 years)
Starting date: August 2024

Conduct innovative research in biological engineering.
Collaborate with a team of experts in the field.
Publish findings in reputable scientific journals.
Contribute to the advancement of sustainable practices for climate mitigation.

Master’s or Ph.D. in Biological Engineering or related field.
Strong background in microbiology, bioengineering, or environmental science.
Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills.
Proven track record of research and publications.

Application Process:
Interested candidates are invited to apply through email (, indicating the reference of the call (CEB-BI-28-2024), by submitting their CV, cover letter, and references.

Application Deadline: 17th of July 2024 – 23:59 (Europe, Lisbon)

For more details, check the vacancy notice here.

Stay tuned and join us in our mission to foster Climate resilience, nurture sustainability and strive for an ever-healthier planet and humanity!

#Microbes4Climate #M4C #M4CHorizoneurope #ResearchInfrastructure #HEU #STI #INFRASERV #ClimateAction #ResearchforClimate #ResearchInnovation

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MICROBES-4-CLIMATE participated at the miCROPe Symposium 2024 in Austria

Cintia Mayr from the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology presented MICROBES-4-CLIMATE project at miCROPe Symposium 2024, at the stunning Schönbrunn Castle in Vienna from July 15th–18th, 2024.

The researcher introduced the project at the “Microbe-assisted Crop Production – Opportunities, Challenges, and Needs.” session through a poster presentation and discussed with leading experts the vital role of soil and plant microbiomes in enhancing Agro-systems, including nutrient delivery, plant fitness, stress tolerance, and pest control.

Save the Date: Bioethics and Regulatory Workshops

Bioethics and Regulatory Workshops: Shaping the Future of Climate Research

MICROBES-4-CLIMATE provides access to advanced research infrastructures, training, and support, in order to tackle the multifaceted challenges facing terrestrial biodiversity and ecosystems. MICROBES-4-CLIMATE will host the Bioethics and Regulatory Workshops in Vienna, Austria, from 25-27 November 2024. These workshops, divided in two, aim to discuss and showcase which Bioethics and Regulatory frameworks are relevant to the analysis of the complex interplay between microorganisms, plants, and soil within the context of climate change. 

Workshop Details:

  • Part 1: Bioethics – 25-26 November 2024
  • Part 2: Regulatory – 26-27 November 2024
  • Location: AIT, Vienna, Austria

Key Themes:

  • Microbiome
  • Nagoya Protocol
  • Environmental Regulation
  • Biosecurity
  • Planetary Health
  • FAIR Principles
  • Human Health
  • Global common heritage
  • Patents

We invite experts and stakeholders to join us as we assess the current status quo, identify key needs, and develop critical solutions to enable research and address the impacts of climate change.

Register Your Interest:

Find the Workshop Agenda here


Join us in shaping a sustainable future through innovative research and collaborative efforts.