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LUKE - Luonnonvarakeskus

The Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) stands as a pivotal research organisation operating under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland. With a mission to foster competitive businesses rooted in the sustainable utilisation of renewable natural resources, Luke also prioritises the well-being and vitality of rural areas across Finland.
With a workforce of approximately 1,300 individuals, Luke operates in 24 locations throughout Finland, with its headquarters situated in Helsinki
Luke’s activities span across various domains, addressing challenges in the sustainable and profitable utilization of renewable natural resources through four phenomenon-based research programs. Annually, Luke undertakes over 700 research projects, including roughly 100 EU projects. In 2023 alone, Luke’s researchers published more than 600 peer-reviewed scientific publications, with research constituting about 70 percent of Luke’s overall activities.
In addition to its research initiatives, Luke also fulfills statutory duties, including the compilation of Finland’s official food and natural resources statistics. Luke’s operations are governed by its strategic framework and an annual performance agreement signed with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland. Further, Luke’s official responsibilities are outlined in both EU and national regulations, with its statistical activities guided by the Statistics Act and established statistical practices.
Luke is committed to upholding ethical research practices, adhering to the guidelines for responsible conduct issued by the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity (TENK).
Financially, in 2023, Luke’s total budget amounted to approximately EUR 151 million. While state budget funding via the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland comprised EUR 85 million (56 percent), EUR 66 million (44 percent) was secured from other funding sources.
Luke’s workforce is diverse, comprising an equal representation of men and women among its 1,300 employees.
Established on January 1, 2015, Luke was formed through the merger of the Agricultural Research Centre of Finland (MTT), the Finnish Forest Research Institute (Metla), the Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute (RKTL), and the statistical services of Tike, the information center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. This integration marked a significant milestone, consolidating expertise and resources to enhance research and innovation in the realm of natural resource management and rural development.