INRAE - Institut National de Recherche Pour L'agriculture, L'alimentation et L'environnement

INRAE is positioned at the forefront of agricultural, food, and environmental research, is dedicated to addressing the multifaceted challenges that lie ahead. With a comprehensive understanding of the interconnectedness of global changes, we are committed to contributing to sustainable development goals through innovative research and strategic initiatives.
Humanity and the planet face unprecedented challenges, including climate change, food and nutrition security, environmental degradation, and biodiversity loss. To tackle these challenges effectively, INRAE recognizes the need for convergence, collaboration, and the development of solutions that integrate scientific, technological, economic, and social perspectives.
Drawing inspiration from international expert groups and scientific organizations such as the IPCC, IPBES, and the EAT-Lancet Commission, INRAE identifies key areas for action. These include dietary shifts towards plant-based foods, reducing resource waste, promoting agroecological practices, sustainable management of natural resources, and enhancing renewable energy sources.
INRAE’s research is guided by a set of scientific priorities outlined in the INRAE 2030 roadmap. These priorities encompass responding to environmental challenges, accelerating agroecological and food transitions, building bioeconomies, promoting holistic health approaches, and leveraging data sciences and digital technologies for transformative change.
The institute places a strong emphasis on ethics, scientific integrity, and responsible conduct in research projects. INRAE upholds founding principles that prioritize the common good and ethical considerations in scientific endeavours. Additionally, it actively engages with internal and external stakeholders to ensure transparency, accountability, and social responsibility.
INRAE’s organizational structure comprises 18 research centres distributed across France, each focusing on specific disciplines while fostering interdisciplinary collaborations. The institute’s commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) is evident in its efforts to quantify and analyse societal and environmental impacts, promote diversity and equality in the workplace, and foster transparency and dialogue with stakeholders.