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About the Project

MICROBES-4-CLIMATE, a Horizon Europe project, started in February 2024 to address the critical intersection of biodiversity, ecosystems, and climate change, and will run until January 2029.
MICROBES-4-CLIMATE aims to unravel the intricate relationships between microorganisms, plants, soil, and climate in an attempt to aid the effort to face unprecedented environmental challenges.

The projects entails to enhance understanding, foster resilience, and drive sustainable solutions for agriculture, forestry, and beyond.
Through the Trans-national Access (TNA) programme, MICROBES-4-CLIMATE offers researchers unprecedented access to cutting-edge research infrastructures and integrated services. The Project will help and empower researchers challenge the frontiers of knowledge to harness the power of plant-microbiome interactions. 🚀

Get in touch with us and join us in our mission to advance climate resilience and sustainability for a healthier planet and humanity.

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